

发布时间: 2024-05-11 04:48:45北京青年报社官方账号





As the strongest and most technologically sophisticated rocket ever made by China, Long March 5 has a liftoff weight of 869 metric tons, a maximum payload of 25 tons to a low-Earth orbit, or 14 tons to a geosynchronous transfer orbit. The gigantic vehicle is tasked with transporting parts of China's future manned space station and fulfilling Mars explorations.


As worldwide concerns over nuclear weapons are the highest they've been since the Cold War, China holds the view that strengthening global governance of non-proliferation is an important component for building a common destiny for mankind, and wants to enhance cooperation and coordination at many levels.


As well as being a scientist, Gao has other duties. He is the director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (often referred to as the China CDC), the dean of the Savaid Medical School of the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and the vice-president of the National Natural Science Foundation of China.


As the major investor in the continent, China of course follows closely Africa's possible debt risks. And we also care about the safety of our investment. That is why we have been very serious with the feasibility study of each and every investment and financing project, making sure that the project is profitable, sustainable, and that the recipient is able to service debt. Giving out free loans without thinking about debt repayment and reasonable profits, any financial institutions in the world will go bankrupt. China is no exception.


As the global economy is on track to shrink "sharply" by 3 percent this year due to the pandemic, the IMF chief economist highlighted the importance of keeping trade open in global recovery.


